Even though he is in Texas right now, you may remember him from Mid-Michigan, where he grew up, or from his stint working in Kirkland, Wa.
(Here is his résumé in case you're interested).
Andrew hacked together writesimple.net, a super-simple note taking application, and might be the driving force behind the potentially awesome Definitive Roderick. The source code for both are available on GitHub.
He also previously wrote Flamingbuffalo.com - a formerly popular and now deceased weblog about nothing.
You can find out more about Andrew on Mastodon (be warned, he has a tendency to tweet about baseball). And if you wanted to get ahold of him for anything you can email him at andrew at gaken.name.
In 2014 he drove from Austin, Tx to Cooperstown, Ny and back - stopping at ballparks along the way. You can read all about it at tothehall.com.
His dog is cuter than your dog, sorry.